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Ballistik  Physik  Kriminalistik

Wound Ballistics - Basics and Applications


B. P. Kneubuehl (Ed.), R. M. Coupland, M. A. Rothschild, M. J. Thali
2022, 2 ed. Translation of the revised forth German edition
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
ISBN ISBN 978-3-662-64854-4

The definitive interdisciplinary reference work for wound ballistics. Fundamentals: Physics, arms and ammunition, ballistics. General wound ballistics. Wound ballistics for short-range and long-range weapons, fragments, gas jets, „non-lethal“ weapons. Simulating gunshot wounds: Matierials that reprodue the interaction of soft tissue, bone and blood vesels with a bullet, virtual autopsy methods (Virtopsy). Specialist knowledge and reference: Detailed tables: ballistic tables for typical ammunition, ballistic values for numerous types of ammunition, including older types, materials properties and other hard-to-find data. Most tables are in both, metric and U.S. units. Trilingual glossary of specialized terminology (English, German, French).

Content: Introduction; Basics; General wound ballistics; Wound ballistics for bullets and fragments; Wound ballistics and forensic medicine; Wound ballistics and surgery; Wound ballistics and international agreements, Appendices: Tables; Glossary; Bibliography; Index.

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